Registration I 09:00 – 10:00
Opening Session I 10:00 – 13:00
Moderator: Dr. Ioannis Desypris, Past Chairman of IENE, Special Adviser, Regulatory Affairs, Metlen Energy & Metals
Welcome remarks by the Chairman and Executive Director of IENE, Mr. Costis Stambolis
Introductory remarks by Mr. Nikos Tsafos, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister for Energy, Hellenic Republic, Presidency of the Government
Introductory Statements and Addresses by:
- Dr. Athanasios Dagoumas, President, Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAAEY)
- Yiannis Yiarentis, CEO, Administrator of Renewable Energy Sources and Guarantees of Origin (DAPEEP SA)
- Dr. Vasileios Gkountis, Director of Market Management, Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO)
- Nikolaos Vettas, General Manager, Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE)
Coffee Break I 11:30 -11:45
Opening Session (Continued) I 11:45 – 13:15
Moderator: Kostis Geropoulos, Co-founder, Director of Energy & Climate Policy and Security, NE Global Media
Statements by Euro MP:
- Yannis Maniatis, MEP, Vice President of the S&D Group - Foreign Affairs, Security & Defence, International Energy Security and Cooperation, f. Minister of Environment, Energy & Climate Change (video message)
- Nikos Farantouris, MEP SYRIZA-PS / The Left, Chair Professor Jean Monnet, Dept. of International & European Studies of the University of Piraeus
Addresses from representatives of institutional bodies:
- Aristofanis Stefatos, CEO, Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company (HEREMA S.A)
- Miltos Aslanoglou, General Manager, Hellenic Association of Energy Suppliers (ESPEN)
- George Stamtsis, General Manager, HAIPP, “Hellenic Association of Independent Power Producers”
- Panagiotis Ladakakos, Chairman of the Board, Hellenic Wind Energy Association
- Stelios Loumakis, President, Association of Photovoltaic Energy Producers (SPEF)
- Konstantinos Giatzitzoglou, President, Association of Mining Enterprises (SME), CEO of GEOHELLAS
Lunch Break – Light Lunch I 13:15 -14:00
2nd Session I 14:00 – 15:15 IEA Presentation - World Energy Outlook 2024
Presentation of the WEO Report by Mr. Oskaras Alsauskas, Energy Modeller and Analyst, International Energy Agency, Paris, and discussion of its findings by a group of invited experts. Special mention will be made of the key role of energy efficiency.
Moderator: Harry Floudopoulos, Journalist, CAPITAL.GR & Kefalaio
- Kostas Theofylaktos, Secretary General & Chairman of the Energy Efficiency Committee, IENE
- Panagiotis Papastamatiou, General Manager, Hellenic Wind Energy Association
- Charles Ellinas, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council and Visiting Research Fellow IENE, UK
- Leo Drollas, Independent Energy Consultant, UK (online)
3rd Session I 15:15 – 16:15 Offshore Wind Farms
National policy for offshore wind farms, investor interest, European developments and technologies.
Moderator: Giorgos Fyntikakis, Journalist, Euro2day
Addresses by:
- Flora Karathanasi, Offshore Wind Programme Lead, Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company (HEREMA S.A)
- Mikelis Chatzigakis, CEO, Hexicon Power
- Alexandros Karyotakis, Head of Strategy for New Energy Sectors, TERNA ENERGY A.V.E.T.E.
- Iakovos Koulouris, Senior Associate, KG Law Firm
Coffee Break I 16:15 -16:30
4th Session I 16:30 -17:30 Investing in Energy
Discussion between experts on issues related to Electricity, Renewables, Energy Efficiency, ESG criteria, Green Debt and Geopolitical Factors.
Moderator: Costis Stambolis, Chairman and Executive Director of IENE
- Kostas Mitropoulos, Chairman of the Board, Intergalactic Services SA
- Christos Dimas, Deputy Chairman of IENE and Chairman of the Geopolitics Committee, IENE
- Theodoros Tzouros, Chief of Corporate & Investment Banking, Piraeus Bank
- George Atsalakis, Associate Professor - Economist, Technical University of Crete, School of Production and Management Engineering
5th Session I 17:30 – 18:30 Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbons
Presentations and discussion on latest developments in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production in the East Med & Greece
Moderator: Lambros Kalarrytis, Journalist, Parapolitika Radio
Addresses by:
- Tereza Fokianou, IENE Partner, Chairman of Upstream Committee
- Victor Katona, Lead Crude Analyst, KPLER (tbc)
- Amit Mor, CEO, ECO Energy, Tel Aviv, Israel (online)
- Konstantinos Nikolaou, Independent Energy Consultant
Cocktail Reception I 18:30 – 19:30