Most IENE events are open to sponsorship and financial support from businesses and organizations. Sponsors are usually organizations and corporations operating within the broader energy field, (e.g. oil, gas, electricity, renewable energy efficiency). Organizations and companies from other fields such as banking, insurance, financial services, law and consulting groups may also become sponsors. The amounts involved in the sponsorship and financial support of IENE events vary and are determined according to the standards and organizational conditions of each event.
The convening of a conference of national and regional importance such as the 28th National Energy Conference, “Energy & Development 2024”, requires very high standards of organisation which is a prerequisite for the success of this major event. Now in its 28th year the “Energy & Development” conference is an established event which attracts hundreds of delegates from Greece and other European countries. In addition, there is high level participation from several international organizations including the IEA, WEC, the Energy Charter, the Energy Community, the European Community etc.
The 28th National Energy Conference “Energy & Development 2024” is open to sponsorship and benefits for potential sponsors and supporters include the following:
1. The logo and name of each sponsor or supporter is promoted and displayed in various ways, such as:
- In the electronic and printed announcements which are distributed before the event.
- On all advertisements that are published in the Press.
- On the backdrop of the stage and on all banners which are usually located in the areas where the conference is being held.
- On the conference’s special pages on the internet, via, and
- On the event's official programme.
- On all printed matter distributed to delegates.
- On the folder containing the conference documentation, which is handed out to delegates upon registration
- On the video card projected on the screen during the conference.
- On the cover of the volume containing the conference abstracts and speakers CV’s.
2. A representative of the sponsor may speak during the event or participate in one of its panel discussions or coordinate one of its sessions.
3. The sponsor's name will be mentioned in all press releases which are sent out to the media.
4. Each sponsor will have the opportunity to distribute printed and electronic material concerning his business' products and activities during the conference. Outside the Conference room where he will have the opportunity to set up his own roll up stand.
5. Each sponsor or supporter is entitled to register a certain number of participants free of charge in the conference, chosen from its executives and associates. The number depends on the level of funding to be contributed.
6. Each sponsor is entitled to certain months’ free inclusion of its logo on IENE’s web sites.
All the above describe the usual benefits that a sponsor or supporter of the 28th National Energy Conference “Energy & Development 2024” may expect. According to the particular profile of the supporting organisation, it is possible that further benefits may be offered by IENE which are not included in the above list. Such benefits are mentioned in writing in the “Sponsorship” agreement which is usually established between IENE and each Sponsor/Supporter. Interested sponsors or supporters receive first a written proposal with the detailed list of the specific benefits that can be offered by IENE.
Sponsorship Opportunities
There are five sponsorship categories for IENE’s National Conference “Energy & Development 2024”:
- Lead sponsor
- Strategic sponsor
- Sponsor
- Main Supporter
- Activity Supporter
1. Lead sponsor
The conference will have a sole “Lead” sponsor, whose total contribution will amount to 20,000€ + 24% VAT. The lead sponsor is entitled to 20 free conference registrations including speakers. The major sponsor is also entitled to all other benefits as listed above (1-6). The major sponsor enjoys a number of benefits including selection of themes for special presentation in one of the sessions of the conference as well as nomination of certain speakers. The Lead Sponsor normally works closely with the conference organisers in advance on speaker and subject selection.
2. Strategic sponsor
A company or an organisation may wish to promote a specific area of work or a particular project in conjunction with the conference. In such a case they may want to sponsor one of the conference’s sessions or organise a special presentation related to a specific projects product or technology. Companies and organisations with special interests may decide to become “Strategic” sponsor and work closely with the organisers in order to integrate their particular contribution to the conference’s overall planning. The benefits for the strategic sponsor are varied and considerable including 15 free registrations and therefore a minimum financial contribution of 14,000+VAT is foreseen. The major sponsor is entitled to 12 free conference registrations including speakers.
3. Sponsor
There will be a number of headline sponsors with each one contributing 10,000€ + 24% VAT each. Each headline sponsor is entitled to 8 free registrations including speakers. The sponsor is also entitled to all other benefits as listed above (1-6).
4. Main Supporter
Each Supporter will contribute € 6,000€ + 24% VAT and is entitled to 4 free registrations. Each supporter also enjoys a series of other benefits as mentioned in the previous pages.
5. Activity Supporters

Coffee Break Supporter(1)
Include coffee breaks for the 1st and 2nd day 4.000€+VAT

Cocktail Receptions
Cocktail Reception Supporter(2)
- 1st day: 6/11 6.000€ +24% VAT(2)
- 2nd day: 7/11 4.000€ +24% VAT(2)
Conference Material
Supporting possibilities also exist for conference material, such as:
- Badges(3) € 4.000 +VAT
- Conference Booklet(4) € 4.000 +VAT
(1) The Supporter’s name will be mentioned in the conference programme together with his logo next to the sponsored coffee break. The supporter will also be able to display the company’s name and logo through banners which he will provide and will be positioned in the coffee breaks areas. The coffee break supporter is entitled to two (2) free registrations.
(2) The cocktail supporter’s logo will appear last in the row of supporter’s logos in all banners. In addition, his logo will appear on a specially printed invitation card which will be included in the delegate folder. Each cocktail supporter is entitled to three (3) free registrations for November 6 and two (2) free registration for November 7.
(3) The supporter’s logo will appear on all delegate badges and on the strap holding the badges. The supporter will be entitled to two (2) free registrations. No other benefits are foreseen.
(4) The Supporter's logo will be displayed on the front page of the booklet containing the conference programme, other conference information and contributors’ CV’s. The supporter will be entitled two (2) free registrations.